research / archive


They thought they had buried me, but they did not realize I am a seed... 

Æther Studio’s first public initiative, INTERVALS

September 15-18, 2023

10 Rue des ecouffes, 75004
Paris, FR

Dear friends and family,

We have the pleasure to invite you to celebrate and experience, alongside twenty-something artists and facilitators from diverse practices and backgrounds, the birth of Æther Studio and its first public initiative, INTERVALS, an invitation to co-create!

Part science, part art, part technique, Æther Studio exist as an experimental incubator and research space for rethinking wellbeing, accountability and responsivity in depleted ecosystems; to design new ontological frameworks that are empowering, regenerative, and integrative via participatory community praxises—our lived experiences, personal heritage, and historical interactions with nature—through transdisciplinary mediums and postactivist inquiries: an ambitious necessity to map a path towards equity and fugitive futures.

We aim to examine beyond the politics of inclusion / exclusion through a neurodiverse prism to better understand the different colors of reductionism found in today’s civilizational crisis and imagine how we can reconstruct new architectures of safety and action through the rich relationships surrounding us.

By creating a gentle and playful environment to work with the knowledge that people and nature inherently retain, we express our refusal of the idea of curation, preferring instead a non-hierarchical model of co-creation. Tuning into the lingering trickster energy as a trope for novelty, our public becomes co-creators and community partners to color way outside the lines.

INTERVALS wishes to disturb the commodification of relationships in every sense and distress our habitual ways of thinking about public order and food security by exploring the notions of radical welcomeness and generosity in a communal act of celebration to open up new places of power and cultivate bewilderment with our physical and virtual environments. We desire to explore the creative and healing potential within and to address the ecological and psychological urgency to slow down to experience wisdom by engaging in collective ritual, ceremony, and nature encounters.

The launch is hosted in a former brothel and later restaurant and imagined as a four-day animist co-creative event, an invitation to take part in the process of thinking, making, and exploring new forms and formats that celebrate a kaleidoscope of cultures, people, and geographies at the margin of fertile ground. For the opening night, there will be a participitory meal preparation and food tasting with vegetables harvested locally from our organic garden.

...tricksters have to live at the edges of things so newness and novelty can sprout. –Báyò Akómoláfé

With the return of the plant embryos to the spirit of the sacred vulva, we’re reminded of the cosmic strings that weave our disparate bodies into the flowing relationships we ultimately are.

We hope to see you there to create and celebrate together!

Æther Studio collective

native seeds

“Æther Studio exist as an experimental incubator and research space for rethinking wellbeing, accountability and responsivity in depleted ecosystems...”

“ design new ontological frameworks that are empowering, regenerative, and integrative...”

æther garden - 1ed.

“ disturb the commodification of relationships in every sense and distress our habitual ways of thinking about public order and food security by exploring the notions of radical welcomeness and generosity...”

participatory meal preparation and food tasting ︎

opening ceremony [performance] ︎

Invoking these laws
I implore you Eshu
to plant in my mouth
your verbal axé
restoring to me the language
that was mine
and was stolen from me
blow Eshu your breath
to the bottom of my throat
down where the voicebud
sprouts so the 
bud may blossom
blooming into the flower of
my ancient speech
returned to me by your power
mount me on the axé of words
pregnant with your dynmanic grounding
and I shall ride Orun’s
supernatural infinity


more documentary archives coming soon...

the co-creative event space

creators ︎ facilitators

partners ︎ sponsors


Safouane BEN SLAMA :



If you feel called to help fund our initiative, we tenderly invite you to donate to our founder’s paypal :

All proceeds will go to the cost of the event space, materials, and creators / facilitators  <3

special thanks


Marylou RIBES

Mickaël TALBOT